Healthcare Simulation

Planning innovative operations

Healthcare Simulation

With Process Simulator, the procedures in ORs, ambulances, emergency departments, ... can be modeled in a realistic way. The patient paths as well as the available resources to be considered - personnel, space and equipment - are Stochastic effects such as the duration of a treatment of a patient, the occurrence of an emergency or the number of patients to be treated and the distribution of the disease pattern are also taken into account.

The animation makes the impact of different alternatives clear to the decision makers. Meaningful results on patient throughput, resource utilization, length of stay and waiting times help to make investment decisions based on reliable facts.

Simulation in healthcare helps to optimize planning, find the best solution and save costs.

Possible fields of application of the simulation in the hospital are e.g. in

  • OR procedures
  • Ambulances, CSSD procedures, Dialysis procedures
  • Diagnostics Processes
  • Supply and disposal processes (e.g. food, laundry, waste disposal) and materials management, pharmacy)
  • Lift systems, material handling and car parks
  • Administrative processes

Simulation in the healthcare system

Simulation of processes in an outpatient clinic

Process Simulator 30-day-trial

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